Kamis, 07 April 2016

In Indonesia, corruption 'subsidized' by taxpayers: Researcher

Fines and penalties levied on corruption convicts are far lower than the losses that they cause, indicating that the losses are indirectly “subsidized” by taxpayers, research shows.
According to a study by Gadjah Mada University, Rp 21.26 trillion was paid in penalties and fines by corruption convicts between 2001 and 2015. The amount is far lower than the state losses caused by corruption, which stood at Rp 203.9 trillion.
"There is Rp 182.64 trillion worth of unrecovered losses. Who bears the cost of the 'subsidy'? It is diligent taxpayers and even generations who are not even born yet," said Gadjah Mada University researcher Rimawan Pradiptyo in Jakarta on Tuesday.
The university team exposed another irony -- those who stole larger amounts of state funds were fined less than people who stole less. Corruption convicts who caused state losses of less than Rp 10 million paid fines 3.43 percent higher than the incurred losses.
"On the other side, those causing state losses of above Rp 25 billion were fined only 8.3 percent of the losses incurred," Rimawan said.
The result of the research is in line with Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) findings that the country incurred losses from four costs of corruption.
First, the nominal value of the money stolen. Second, the economic opportunity lost because of corruption. Third, the preventive costs such as for bureaucratic reform. Fourth, the eradication costs, such as for court proceedings, investigations and processing.
Based on the type of case, the KPK mostly handled bribery cases comprising 224 cases of all 468 corruption cases under KPK investigation. Next, procurements and budget violation cases with 142 (30 percent) and 44 (10 percent), cases respectively.
Based on profession, 32 percent or 167 of 518 KPK detainees were politicians. Private employees and civil servants followed at 128 (25 percent) and 123 (24 percent) people, respectively. (ags)
Opinion & Solution
Corruption is the thing that really often to happen in Indonesia for a long time. Untill now, I think Indonesia is still unfair to punish their corruptors. Our country is already losing a lot because of what they did.

We should be more assertive about the corruption cases in this country. Maybe we should build a system that is more stricter on the civilizated organization to minimize the occurrence of corruption. Like the data said the most higher presentation for bribery cases is people who work for the country. 

We have to do something more to make them (Corruptors) regret for what they did and make it fair for our country. If we can do that, people will see the worst things could happen if they corrupt and think more than twice about doing that. We should never make the corrupiont as our country behavior.

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