Selasa, 09 Desember 2014

Indonesian Archipelago

Indonesia is an archipelago nation’s largest and fourth most populous country in the world, consist of five main island such as Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua, covering 34 provinces. Has about 13,466 islands, but only 6,000 inhabited islands. This archipelago stretches 5150 kilometers beetwen mainland Australia to Asia and the Pacific Ocean and India split at the equator. Indonesia’s name comes from two Greek words: “Indo” meaning Indian and “Nesos” meaning island. So Indonesia is an archipelagic nation with a capital of Jakarta as the center of government and the busy downtown. Indonesia has a tropical climate, only two seasons of the year, summer and rainy. East moonsoon from June to September brings dry weather while the rainy season from December to March. The weather in summer as usual clear and bright, suitable for people to do some activity such as work, study, shopping, etc. It temperatures range 360 Celcius to 400 Celcius. The weather in rainy such as rain that lasts for a short time called shower. The biggest shower like heavy shower will make large amount water covering land called flood.  Transition seasons sometimes brings rain, but in the middle of the rainy season, temperatures range 210 Celcius (700F) to 330 Celcius (900F) except at higher altitudes, the weather is much colder. Fall season of heavy rain was recorded in December until February. Humadity between 60-100%. More than 483 languages and dialects spoken in the archipelago. Included in 350 different ethnic group. Indonesian is the national language, written in Roman script and based on European orthography. In each area a tourist destination, English is the number one foreign language is often spoken and written. While on a specific destination in Arabic and Chinese are more frequently used. As an archiprlagic country, most of Indonesia is a warm ocean in which there is a wide range of beautiful life. Biodiversity in the mainland, Wallace region contains 28,000 species of plants, rare orchids Raflesia small to giant flowers, 3,500 species of rare animals including orangutans in Sumatra and Kalimantan, there is a unique giant lizards on Komodo Island, horned Javan rhinoceros, and the last tiger of Sumatra. All property is protected by the government in some areas in the Park. Staple food of most Indonesia is “ Rice “. But a few island in eastern Indonesia, staple food traditionally has ranged from corn, sago, cassava or sweet potato it is doesn’t mean potato chips like a modern food in United States. Fish are used as complementary foods, prepared as a paste of fresh, salted, dried, smoked or fried. Coconut is found everywhere, and in addition produced for cooking oil, coconut milk as well as a food flavoring. Spices and spicy chili are popular in some areas such as West Sumatra, North Sulawesi. Each province or region has its own distinctive cuisine is more than one. Every year Indonesia has many tourist from another country with difference interested to kind of tourism activities. Among there are leisure tourism, business tourism, and special tourism or independent trips. Leisure tourism can mean anything from excursions, day trips, and weekend breaks to package holidays, pleasure cruises. Leisure tourism offers us to relaxing many activities such as enjoy the culture attraction in Bali included traditional dance or sacral dance, social life of local  people, religious ceremonies and rituals to reveals the citizen pride and Hinduism to the gods, this ceremonies was held in temple. Balinese people make some tourist feel comfortable and enjoy caused they were friendly. Business tourism is a more limited and focused subset of regular tourism. During business tourism, individuals are still working and being paid, but are doing so away from both their workplace and home. Primary business tourism activities include meetings, and attending conferences, incentive tour it seems like workers are given a reward for good work, exhibitions. Despite the term business in business tourism, when individuals from government or non-profit organizations engage in similiar activities, this is still categorized as business tourism. Special tourism or independent trips such as scuba diving to see a wonderful life under the sea where you can find rare banner fish, different kinds of superb coral reef formations, colorful fish and others amazing things. Hill climbing and walking or trecks in the mountains. Some tourist in Indonesia especially was interested to did it. Primary hillwalking in the mountains activities include cliff climbing, hill climbing, etc. Pride is an expression of treckers when their can get the summit to pick the Indonesian flag on the ground. Indonesia has a thousand kinds of mountain such as Jaya Wijaya Mount where we can find snow in summit which is timeless, Merapi Mount, Mahameru Mount, etc. Every mountain has a difference barries to get to and for real treckers too easy to pass it. Mountain is place where found an amazing cascade of water falling from a height of mountain, formed when a river a stream flows over a precipice or steep incline ( this is known as a waterfall). Plateau is an area of relatively level high ground and it is a place for treckers to rest on their tents. Basically Indonesia has a located in suitable geographic it makes Indonesia had has nature diverasity and nature resources richness therefore interesting for tourist to visit. That’s why Indonesia always visited by tourist to enjoy and relax Indonesia nature every years and it is goes on and on. All tourist who want to visit Indonesia must have a passport valid for at least 6 months from the date of arrival, and have proof (tickets) turnaround to the country of origin. Immigration authorities provide free tourist visa for a period of 30 days to citizens of 12 countries. Among there are Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Filipinos, Hong Kong, Macau, Chile, Morocco, Peru, Vietnam, and Equador. In accordance with Regulation of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia. M.HH-03.GR, 1:06, citizens from 64 countries and one territory are eligible to apply Visa on Arrival (VOA). This visa can be obtained directly when you arrive at certain airports and seaports in Indonesia regerdless of the purpose of your visit (Tourist Business, Social and Cultural) Visa on Arrival is not a work visa or visit visa. Therefore, it can not be extended or converted into other immigration permit. Maximum allowable stay is thirty days and probably extended for a maximum of thirty days. General requirements for visa on arrival are passport applicants must apply at least six months from the date of entry. Countries or regions which can obtain visa on arrival there are Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cambodia, Canada, Cyprus, China, Denmark, Estonia, Egypt, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Iceland, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Laos, Latvia, Libya, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Maldives, Malta, Mexico, Monaco. New Zealand, Netherland, Norway, Oman, Panama, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudia Arabia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, South Africa, South Korea, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Chinese Taipei, Timor Leste, Tunisia, Turkey, Uni Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America. Based on survey many tourist felt enjoy and relax it makes tourist feel comfortable and keep to stay in Indonesia not want to come back. That’s why I love Indonesia, I proud being a local people with Indonesian nation caused I have been surrounded by amazing historical places from sabang to merauke, green nature, jungle as known as heart of world caused million trees was produced an Oxygen to save people in this world, the beautiful sea with blue water which is found the amazing life under the sea and it makes to being a part of little fish to show up the amazing colourful of little fish. Derawan, Raja Ampat, Gili Island,  named of places where we can find paradise under the sea and only Indonesia have it. Inhabited island where found the nice people and so friendly in every side. Indonesia has cultural diversity such as language and dialect from 750 ethnics, cultural system meaning every ethnic have a leader to handle and manage their member. Therefore, they have difference rules and regulations which is have to obeyed by their member. Art is an expression of people to express their feeling, so many kinds of art. Among there are traditional dance, ceremonies, traditional music and instrument, traditional song created by people to reveals their sadness, happiness, wishes, and something happening. No one word I can says excepted I love Indonesia with everything side of archipelagic.

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